Yoga improves our relationships.

Mindfulness is challenged daily. Adding trauma of having an illness of any kind to the mix and mindfulness does not even have a place at the table. Yoga allows emotions, thoughts, sensations, along with physical surroundings to stay in one place… even if it is one small moment at a time. Developing strategies in mindfulness will lend a hand in improving the quality of the relationships within our lives.

Yoga has a positive impact on mood.

Feel good chemicals are released in the body when practicing yoga. Ever heard someone say that going to a yoga class is a happy place. That is because it is true. The body is moved and put into positions to compress and release muscles, sending messages to the brain changing our mood. Reducing stress and anxiety leads to a natural pathway to controlling mood swings.

Yoga helps us attain inner peace

Life is full of stresses and then compound additional trauma—most of which are unwanted and can be avoided—community between ourselves and those around us. Building self-confidence, strength, and utilizing tools taught in yoga will help to attain inner peace.

Yoga helps overcome hardship

… and why we are all here… our souls are covered with trauma. Whether PTSD, addiction of any kind, mental illness just to name a few. We need assistance with these hardships. Most hardships are not of our own making and are generational. We come together to lift each other up and share our common bonds are hardship to find the lifeboat to LOVE.